Python API#
Currently the plotting part of umami is rewritten for better usage with the python api. In addition, the API has been move to the puma project.
Some basics before plotting#
In the following a small example how to read in h5 and calculate discriminants.
first you need to import some packages
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from puma.metrics import calc_rej
Reading .h5
# this is just an example to read in your h5 file
# if you have tagger predictions you can plug them in directly in the `disc_fct` as well
# taking one random ttbar file
ttbar_file = (
with h5py.File(ttbar_file, "r") as f:
df = pd.DataFrame(
n_test = len(df)
Calculating discriminant
# define a small function to calculate discriminant
def disc_fct(a: np.ndarray):
"""Tagger discriminant
a : numpy.ndarray
array with with shape (, 3)
# you can adapt this for your needs
return np.log(a[2] / (0.018 * a[1] + 0.982 * a[0]))
# you can also use a lambda function
# discs_rnnip = np.apply_along_axis(
# lambda a: np.log(a[2] / (0.018 * a[1] + 0.982 * a[0])),
# 1,
# df[["rnnip_pu", "rnnip_pc", "rnnip_pb"]].values,
# )
# calculate discriminant
discs_rnnip = np.apply_along_axis(
disc_fct, 1, df[["rnnip_pu", "rnnip_pc", "rnnip_pb"]].values
discs_dips = np.apply_along_axis(
df[["dipsLoose20210729_pu", "dipsLoose20210729_pc", "dipsLoose20210729_pb"]].values,
To calculate the rejection values you can do the following or using a results file from umami directly.
Rejection calculation
# defining target efficiency
sig_eff = np.linspace(0.49, 1, 20)
# defining boolean arrays to select the different flavour classes
is_light = df["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 0
is_c = df["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 4
is_b = df["HadronConeExclTruthLabelID"] == 5
rnnip_ujets_rej = calc_rej(discs_rnnip[is_b], discs_rnnip[is_light], sig_eff)
rnnip_cjets_rej = calc_rej(discs_rnnip[is_b], discs_rnnip[is_c], sig_eff)
dips_ujets_rej = calc_rej(discs_dips[is_b], discs_dips[is_light], sig_eff)
dips_cjets_rej = calc_rej(discs_dips[is_b], discs_dips[is_c], sig_eff)
Reading in results
# Alternatively you can simply use a results file with the rejection values
df = pd.read_hdf("results-rej_per_eff-1_new.h5", "ttbar")
sig_eff = df["effs"]
rnnip_ujets_rej = df["rnnip_ujets_rej"]
rnnip_cjets_rej = df["rnnip_cjets_rej"]
dips_ujets_rej = df["dips_ujets_rej"]
dips_cjets_rej = df["dips_cjets_rej"]
n_test = 10_000
# it is also possible to extract it from the h5 attributes
with h5py.File("results-rej_per_eff-1_new.h5", "r") as h5_file:
n_test = h5_file.attrs["N_test"]